how long could you hang on to a word?

probably for a longer time than i should. anyways, its from a song, Intencity in Ten Cities by Chiodos. Listen to it its beautufuffle. and in my mind that IS a word.
i finally bought some milk today! which, tragic as it is, is probably the most productive thing i've achieved this day - not counting the frustration poured out over my math text book. still. milk! i've been living off of powdered milk for about a week now, and no matter how much nostalgia it brings and no matter how much i will myself to like it... no. so uuh now you know how i feel about milk. i swear, i'm making myself stupider by the minute. don't you feel enlightened now? i thought so.

una mente libre

there is a point where you have done all you can do, when any more exertion creates no difference, when no more information can be crammed into the cluttered mess i at the moment call my mind. i reached that point yesterday, and it feels good. So i finally let loose the creative side of me and painted and doodled like i haven't in months -  and i feel no remorse. What will come will come, examwise. So i won't get the perfect grade, but honestly there are more important things to occupy my thoughts and my time. And by things i mean people, relationships. When i'm 90 years old swinging in my hammock on my future veranda sipping tea, i hope i will still remember the adventures and memories made with my friends - not feeling sick to the stomach about exams. I'm  not saying that i'm not worried and care about my grades, its just... not the world. and that's a relief to think about. :D

It's going to be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. - Somebody

i want to break every clock...

... the hands of Time could never move again.

Sharing the love

Oh yes. So all of saturday we were outside all day pulling weeds and planting strawberries, because today was the first of many "help-people-days" our church started with. We offer help and when people ask for it we come and do what needs to be done :D  It was so much fun! We went to this lady, Anne, a single mom and helped her with gardening and such. Her little kid Ammadeus was there and "helped" out too, so cute. Anne was so greatful for our help and company and when we were done she gave us icecream - how sweet wasn't that of her?? Lame as it sounds it really does "warm my heart" or a similar cliché thing fits into the quotation marks. It's a little bit tragic, but nowadays people aren't used to giving or receiving help for free, for the sake of spreading the Love.

And this is what spreading a little bit of happiness looks like


Oh, who would have thought that jumping could be so much fun? I didn't realize until we broke out the camera.

Sasha the Scooter was used to complete yet another adventure this weekend. About the time before sunset, spontanity took a hold of Nathalie and I, and we hopped onto Sasha and drove into the distance onto unknown roads leading to unknown places. The exhiliration, the undiscovered. That is what i live for. Sort of. Ah it was wonderful though, because we drove on roads completely alien to us, and we discovered that the speedometer on Sasha has broke. Hmm. That could be a problem, although it was completely irrelevant to us when we were in the middle of our mini roadtrip. It isn't the most reliable scooter i have - going uphill it makes noises like it's going to explode and burn to death, but somehow we make it. Then she dies. But still! - that's part of the exitement.

One day i'm going to take part in a real full fledged roadtrip stretching from one end of something to the other end of it. It will be epic. I have a dream.


I cannot think of one bad thing that happened yesterday. I got to sleep in, i didn't have spanish class, my grandpa came and we ate pizza and we fixed my moped, and i played with Ella and Olof, and Anna's birthday party was a blastie blast! I dunno, everything was just HAPPY!
oh oh oh! AND i got my "studentmössa!" fiiiinally! its what swedish people wear at graduation, if you were wondering. It's a hat. Pretty funky though - it looks like a sailors hat. Which means that I'M FREAKING GRADUATING! Soon. The feelings i get when i think about it can only be described as extacy and joy *!!!!!!!!!!!!*

The weather outdoors is perfect at the moment. Blue skies, sunshine. I'm venturing outside!

So this is what my sweet sailor hat looks like. The token representing my graduatioin.
And on the front it says International Baccalaureate :D

And so also spring break comes to an end...

...Which is why these last couple of days i haven't even had the decency to be ashamed of my study-less days. MUAHAHAHA.
instead, i have let loose the childish side of Elin and played in the sand box making imaginary places filled with adventures with Ella and Olof.
And i've climbed trees and played tag.
And i've played badminton and lost.
And i've barbequed and laughed with wonderful people,
and i've solved crosswords in the sun like an old woman. It's been absolutely lovely.
Oh, and today i microwaved a cinnamon roll for too long. When the kitchen smelled like burnt, i turned around to see smoke billowing out of the microwave as the fire alarm went off and i couldn't figure out how to turn it off so i ran outside with it and ripped out the battery. The middle of my cinnamon roll was charcoal. such a waste of a previously perfectly edible cinnamon roll.


ah, wonderful day

Yes, yes it is. I haven't gotten around to studying Dysfunctional Psychology yet, but it is to come.
However, i have scored a high score in Bubble Burster, a new-found game whose sole existence is to keep me from doing what i'm supposed to. Love it. And i made dinner, and then i went for a taking-pictures-of-the-spring walk! I met a toad who was absolutely terrifed of me, and froze in its steps in hope that i wouldn't see it. I did.
It was pretty and serene, and i took way too many pictures. I like about 3 of them haha. But SPRING! it's here for real because flowers are now sporadically popping up. This is both a good and bad thing. Good because helloooo who doesn't like flowers and warmth? Bad because now i am even less motivated to stay inside and pick up that heavy heavy psychology book, sort through my sea of papers, and once again become the studious student i need to be.
Nevertheless, spring is always fantastic. no matter what.

My yard at the moment :]


Don't you just hate it when you're in the shower and you hear someone knocking on the door. PANIC.
Okay, so i quickly throw on my mom's old bathrobe, and push the hair out of my face, and open the door just a teensy teensy bit to see who is out there. Well look if it isn't the chimney-sweeper-men who have come to do you know, what chimney-sweeper men do. "umm... hello. One moment please." They look a little bit startled but what can i do, right?
 And i run inside throw on the closest pair of real clothes and go back to talk to them. Gee that wasn't awkward at all! And they're coming back later today again to check how fire-safe this house is... sigh.


Do you see what i see? I finally designed this thing! AND it only took me about... oh i'd say about 3 hours. Right now it is 3:21 am and i am tired. But i feel complete somehow... because of this! Ah it makes me happy ^___________^

Well, other than doing this, today i have acctually been slightly productive - improvement! I woke up at 8 am by myself, no alarm clock which was very very strange. I think my 4 hours nap yesterday would be the reason for that. Then i had breakfast, realized that i am out of almost everything edible, ate what i could, and sat down with my biology. I can now say that i understand how neurons transmit electrical impulses. This is of course meaningless information in the real world, but vital knowledge soon to be splurted out in a well organized manner in just 4 short weeks. I'm psyched oh yes i am.
That being accomplished i thought that well, i deserve to watch some Scrubs (emphasis on some). Those primarily few episodes soon turned into 13 or 14 episodes. Great, i'm wasting my life.
In order to feel just a little bit productive and efficient, i decided to go grocery shopping - a tedious task we all (well those of us who go grocery shopping at least) try to avoid. It wasn't too bad today though, because Ella decided to come along and we had a very nice bike ride there and back, and  even though i wore a hoodie instead of my jacket, i wasn't cold! i LOVE springtime! It really does make life more worth living.
Aand then somehow Time just kind of... ran for the hills yelling in a  thick scottish accent "You'll NEVER catch me now, laddies!!!"  and now it is 3:30 in the morning... weird huh? I thought so too.
So, Goodnight my wonderful blog-readers

sick sicky sickyness

Uuuh i'm coming down with a cold...
Today when i got home i "tried" to study and did a miniscule amount of biology, while drinking peppermint tea and eating toast in hope of that getting me better. Alas, nothing. I thought my head was going to explOde!!! Okay now i'm making it sound worse than it is but still! Whenever i'm sick i always feel like i could die right there and then even if its just a sore throat. I exaggerate. Yes yes i do. Aaaanyways, i went to bed at 4 in the afternoon, hah first time in my life i've ever done THAT. i felt like a little kid during nap time - why don't we have those anymore?  Anyways, i slept for 4 hours and now my carcadian rhythm is all screwed up. it's 12 and i'm not tired... geeeeenious. Hehe ^_____^ plus the fact that i woke up at 9 on a saturday... yes this break is going to be weird.

So then tonight Nathalie, Henny, and Jenny came over despite my sicky germs all over the place and cheered me up! :D we ate toast. And talked about Nathalie's foot-phobia. And drew pictures of our future men... ahem. I feel better now.

Ohohohoooohhh! On saturday i cleaned the whole house. Everything. And dusted and vacuumed and even took the blankets out and aired them outside. i feel so grown up right now. but to make up for any grownupness i might have acquired while cleaning, i had an epic waterfight with Ella, Olof, and their parents! Ah, it was beastly and wonderful. Then we grilled hamburgers in the sunshine and drank bubbly water with lemons in it.

It's break!!!!!! ITS BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP! not. i'm going to study. my mind will be wired on biology, psychology, math, and spanish hopefully. my thinking will not be coherent im afraid, and whatever i manage to write on here will be jibberish and nonsense... a little bit like right now... in my defense i'm sick.

if you were wondering, this is gunna be me if i puke. RAINBOWS :D oh JOY!
stolen picture btw

peace love and happiness

Gueeess what? Today it was warm and sunny outside. i could run over to the grocery store to buy an apple and a donut without getting my jacket (this is AMAZING). And then Sylvia, Ingrid, Vicks and me sat by the canal that runs through the city in the SUN and ate some spring-rolls. Quite fitting seeing as it is juuust about spring, if the weather have a hissy-fit and go cold on us again. Which won't happen.
So then after school we went spreading the love... how hippie doesn't that sound... i wish i was a hippie... no, there's this church called Vineyard that stands out on the street every thursday giving out coffee and cookies to passer-byers and we join them sometimes and its so much fun! People are either scared of us and run away or try to look busy as they walk by ignoring us, oor they get really really really happy and dare to taste a cup of coffee and a cookie and have a meaningful conversation with a stranger. How strange in this time and day. The whole doing things for free is long-forgotten, but we should all bring it back. Seriously. People think its totally weird, but they really do love it... so cliché but free stuff is the best. i hate clichés so sorry about that.
Then, being the good wonderful amazing friend that i am (hah), i went to Anna's and helped her with some English. Dang i'm on a roll i'm just helping everybody tonight.
If i believed in bonus points or karma i would be good to go.
If i did.

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