una mente libre

there is a point where you have done all you can do, when any more exertion creates no difference, when no more information can be crammed into the cluttered mess i at the moment call my mind. i reached that point yesterday, and it feels good. So i finally let loose the creative side of me and painted and doodled like i haven't in months -  and i feel no remorse. What will come will come, examwise. So i won't get the perfect grade, but honestly there are more important things to occupy my thoughts and my time. And by things i mean people, relationships. When i'm 90 years old swinging in my hammock on my future veranda sipping tea, i hope i will still remember the adventures and memories made with my friends - not feeling sick to the stomach about exams. I'm  not saying that i'm not worried and care about my grades, its just... not the world. and that's a relief to think about. :D

It's going to be okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end. - Somebody

Postat av: Sylvia

Just what I needed to here. Thx!

Nu kan jag också fortsätta göra det jag vill utan att ha dåligt samvete. woho!

2009-04-28 @ 19:30:26
URL: http://redribbons.blogg.se/

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