And so also spring break comes to an end...

...Which is why these last couple of days i haven't even had the decency to be ashamed of my study-less days. MUAHAHAHA.
instead, i have let loose the childish side of Elin and played in the sand box making imaginary places filled with adventures with Ella and Olof.
And i've climbed trees and played tag.
And i've played badminton and lost.
And i've barbequed and laughed with wonderful people,
and i've solved crosswords in the sun like an old woman. It's been absolutely lovely.
Oh, and today i microwaved a cinnamon roll for too long. When the kitchen smelled like burnt, i turned around to see smoke billowing out of the microwave as the fire alarm went off and i couldn't figure out how to turn it off so i ran outside with it and ripped out the battery. The middle of my cinnamon roll was charcoal. such a waste of a previously perfectly edible cinnamon roll.



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