the positiveness is flowing oh yeah

They haven't gotten to me yet! Moahahahahaha. Exams, that is. Because, i can now BURN all my Swedish papers/binders! BURN!!!!! beautiful, beautiful flames. When i got home from that swedish exam, Nathalie and Malin and I made the most wonderful food, and all was right with the world. yes it was.

And now for Biology tomorrow. On the positive side, i get to sleep tomorrow (just checked my schedule) until 11 or something! I know the phases of Mitosis and Meiosis, thanks to Nathalie's awesome memory skillzzz . And also, the function of lipids. The rest is a bit shaky so lets hope for the best! And even if i don't rock this test, life goes on, the world keeps spinning, cows continue to moo, i will still get freckles, my dad will still be Leif... basically, as a certain Bob Marley says, "don't worry about a thing, cuz every little thing is gonna be all right!" Bob is a smart guy.

Postat av: tobbe (aka, elins little brother)

ok. first, i love fires fueled by many hard earned grade A papers. second, i noticed that you referred to dad, but not you loving brother living a hole in the ground:P.. so you know, if you want, you dont have to, but if you want, no but seriously, but dont do it if you dont like the idéa, you could refer to me in a post. its always fun to hear how you relate me to you bizarr life.

2009-05-08 @ 17:54:05

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