hello Life, can you pause for just a second please?

so i just realized something. I'm leaving... that kind of sucks.

I'm packing right now which means that the entire house is turned upside down to make sure i'm not forgetting anything, which is inevitable and therefore bound to happen anyway.

And apparantly I'm graduating on friday and people seem to think that's a big deal... i dunno there's just so much other stuff going through my head i can't really seem to care about it.

This is update is about as discontinuous up and un-flowing as my head right now, and my life sooooo... yeah. I think i'm starting to freak out. Slightly. How in the WORLD am i going to manage to pack my life in 30 kilos, have a grad party, get this house cleaned up and ready for when we coem back in a year, AND say goodbye to everyone i love here. Basically, i'm gunna need some devine intervention.

okay now back to George the Suitcase.


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